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  • Learn Haitian Creole

    Aprann Kreyòl Ayisyen

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Tag: haiti

warnings in haitian creole

Warnings in Haitian Creole

This post covers warnings in Haitian Creole. In this post you will learn basic words and phrases for warnings. You will learn to identify words that notify you of dangers, ask questions related to danger, and more.   Warning = Avètisman Be careful = Fè atansyon Watch out = Atansyon (Atansyon also means attention) Watch […]

history of haiti

Discover the History, Language, and Culture of Haiti

With its tumbling waterfalls, tranquil beaches, and greenery-capped mountains, Haiti offers several striking sights for tourists and locals alike. The country’s natural beauty makes it one of the most popular places to visit in the Caribbean. However, if you dig a little bit deeper, you’ll discover that Haiti offers much more than a beach to […]

adopting from haiti

Request from an Adoptive Parent

This video was requested by someone who is in the process of adopting from Haiti. and wants to learn Haitian-Creole. I hope others who are in the process of adopting from Haiti or have adopted from Haiti will find this post and the video useful. If you want to learn Haitian-Creole, please subscribe to my […]

holidays in haiti

Holidays in Haiti (Easter)

Haiti celebrates a few of the Holidays that we celebrate in the United States. One of the holidays in Haiti that’s popular around the world is Easter. Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. As a child growing up in Haiti, we celebrated Easter almost the same way every single year. We eat […]

Words and Phrases in Haitian Creole Video 7

This video covers more words and phrases in Haitian Creole. This is video number 7. It covers words such as wants, needs, have or has, I am, sick, emergency, embassy, urgent, problems, buy, lost, give, church, taxi, police, restaurant, gun, knife, spoon, fork, touch, this, and that. I need a job = Mwen bezwen yon […]


Directions in Haitian-Creole

This posts covers how to ask for directions and how to give directions in Haitian-Creole. It covers how to ask for a specific location like an address. It also covers how to give directions in Haitian-Creole like make a left, make a right, or go straight. How to tell if a place is close, far, […]

animals in haitian creole

Animals in Haitian Creole

This post covers animals in Haitian-Creole. This post covers animals that mostly live in the jungle. It does not cover every animal in the jungle but I tried to cover the most popular ones. This post covers lions, tigers, elephants, zebras, fox, scorpions, bear, deer, monkeys, snakes, wolves, leopards, and giraffe. We have two other […]

haiti independence

How to celebrate Haiti Independence

Haiti Independence: December 31st is a big deal around the world because it is the end of one year. The last day of the year also opens the way for a new year. People make new year resolutions, wish each other happy new year,  party, and reflect on the past year. All those things are […]

haitian creole words

Haitian Creole Words and Phrases Video 2

This post covers more Haitian Creole words and phrases. This is our second video on this topic. So far, we have published seven videos where we cover words and phrases in Haitian Creole. In addition to learning these words and phrases, I encourage you to use other resources on your journey. Other things you can […]

haitian creole phrases and words

Words and Phrases in Haitian-Creole Video 1

 Words and phrases Learn Haitian Creole This post includes basic words and phrases in Haitian-Creole. This is the first of a few videos where we cover Words and Phrases in Haitian-Creole. Video 2 is here.  Hello = Alo Good morning = Bonjou Good afternoon = Bon Aprè Midi Good evening = Bonswa Goodnight = […]