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    Aprann Kreyòl Ayisyen

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Haiti: The Tumultuous History - From Pearl of the Caribbean to Broken Nation: The Tumultuous History - From Pearl of the Caribbean to Broken Nation Paperback - Learn Haitian Creole | Aprann Kreyòl Ayisyen |

Haiti: The Tumultuous History – From Pearl of the Caribbean to Broken Nation: The Tumultuous History – From Pearl of the Caribbean to Broken Nation Paperback


SKU: https://amzn.to/3voMZ7m Category:


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Why has Haiti been plagued by so many woes? Why have multiple U.S. efforts to create a stable democracy in Haiti failed so spectacularly? Philippe Girard answers these and other questions, examining how colonialism and slavery have left a legacy of racial tension, both within Haiti and internationally; Haitians remain deeply suspicious of white foriegners’ motives, many of whom doubt Hatians’ ability to govern themselves. He also examines how Haiti’s current political instability is merely a continuation of political strife that began during the War of Independence (1791-1804). Finally, in Haiti: The Tumultuous History, Girard explores poverty’s devastating impact on contemporary Haiti and argues that Haitians–particularly home-grown dictators–bear a big share of the responsibility for their nation’s troubles.

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