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    Aprann Kreyòl Ayisyen

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Words that are Opposites in Haitian Creole 1 of 5 - Learn Haitian Creole | Aprann Kreyòl Ayisyen |

words that are opposites in haitian creole

Words that are Opposites in Haitian Creole 1 of 5

This post covers words that are opposites in Haitian Creole. This is the first of five posts where we will cover words that are opposites in Haitian Creole.

Fine/Well = Byen                                                      Not fine/not well = Pa byen

Sleep = Dòmi                                                               Wake up = Reveye or Leve

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Sit down = Chita                                                      Get up/Stand up = Leve or Kanpe

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Increase = Ogmante                                           Decrease = Diminye

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Married = Marye                                                    Single = Selibatè (Plase is when people live together but they are not legally married)

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Able/Can =  Kapab                                                 Not able/cannot = Pa kapab

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Like/Love = Renmen                                           Hate = Rayi

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Heavy = Lou                                                            Light = Legè

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Expensive = Chè                                                   Cheap = Bon mache or Pa Chè

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Free = Gratis                                                         At a cost = Pou yon pri

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Free = Libere                                                        Slave = Esklav

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Buy = Achte                                                           Sell = Vann

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Inside = Andedan                                               Outside = Deyò

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Fast = Vit                                                          Slow = Dousman

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Drive = Kondi/Kondui                                   Walk = Mache

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Hardworking = Travay di                               Lazy = Parese

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Happy = Kontan                                                 Sad = Tris

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Large/Big = Gwo                                                 Small/Little = Piti

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Rise = Monte                                                      Fall = Tonbe

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Young = Jenn                                                         Old = Granmoun

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Same = Menm                                                     Different = Diferan

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Open = Ouvè                                                        Close = Fèmen

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Lock = Klete                                                        Unlock = Deklete

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Laugh = Ri                                                            Cry = Kriye

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Watch video for more detailed explanations


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